Important news for Mr. Tom 重要なお知らせ
登録日: 2007年05月24日 最終回答日:2007年05月24日 環境行政 法令/条例/条約
No.22726 2007-05-24 12:11:16 レス
For introduced content.
The content is old.
Please note it.
It is changed for Boron compounds,Fluorine,Fluorine compounds,Ammonia,Ammonium compound,Sub-nitric acid compound and Nitric acid compound.
After revising the law, the Ministry of the Environment seems not to be
rewriting it at once either.
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No.22730 【A-1】
Re:Important news for Mr. Tom 重要なお知らせ
2007-05-24 17:27:36 Tom (
Many thanks for your kind support.
I understand completely what you mean.
If you have a further information regarding this subject, please let me know.
総件数 1 件 page 1/1