



イベント情報IGES第5期戦略研究プログラム研究職員の公募について - 経済と環境グループ 特任研究員の募集

IGES第5期戦略研究プログラム研究職員の公募について - 経済と環境グループ 特任研究員の募集

【カテゴリ】 エコビジネス その他(エコビジネス)


【募集期間】| 2012.03.21〜2012.03.30 IGES経済と環境グループ研究員募集について

1. 募集人員:特任研究員 1名

2. 研究プロジェクトの概要

3. 業務内容
(1) 統合的政策影響評価ツール開発支援、および開発したツールの政策分析
(2) 計量経済分析の実施
(3) その他、経済と環境グループ業務の円滑な遂行支援

4. 応募資格及び求められる能力
(1) 学歴
(2) 知識と経験
(3) 意欲と能力
(4) コンピューター操作能力
(5) 言語技能

5. 雇用契約期間

6. 勤務地

7. 勤務条件
※年次(有給)休暇 労働基準法に基づき付与。夏期休暇(3日)

8. 応募方法

- 最近の出版物2点、論文等 (電子メールに添付してください)
- 過去3年以内の所属機関の直属上司の推薦状(推薦者から直接送付してください)


E-mail: recruit-ee@iges.or.jp


9. 問い合わせ先

Recruitment of Associate Researcher for the IGES Economy and Environment Group

1. Number of staff to be employed
One Associate Researcher (yearly contract)

2. Outline of Economic Analysis Team
The Economy and Environment Group (EE) aims to conduct quantitative assessments of sustainable development policies at both national level and regional level for Asia and the Pacific. Specifically, EE research activities focus on (i) development of integrated policy assessment tools for sustainable development, (ii) trade and environment issues with special focus on embodied emissions, and (iii) green economy and green growth related issues.
More information on the Economy and Environment group can be found at: http://www.iges.or.jp/en/ea/

3. Duties and Responsibilities
An associate researcher shall do the following tasks under the guidance of the Group Director, Deputy Director and other senior colleagues:
- Contributing to the development of integrated policy impact assessment tools and their application to policy analyses, particularly to the issues of resource efficiency improvement and sustainable ecosystem service use.
- Conducting econometric analysis related to EE studies.
- Implementation of other necessary research tasks and participation in outreach activities which EE conducts.

4. Qualification
(1) Education
- Master degree or above, or equal qualification in environmental economics, resource economics or relevant disciplines is required.
(2) Knowledge and Experience
a) Knowledge of or practical experiences in economic modelling (e.g. CGE) are required.
b) Good skill in econometric analysis is also required.
c) More than three-year work experiences in research institutes, universities and international organisations are valuable assets.
(3) Willingness and ability
a) Demonstrated professional competence with a track record of high quality publications and research project implementation experience. A few years job experience of project research is desirable.
b) Ability to work cooperatively as a team worker, who can interact with a broad range of stakeholders, government officials, NGO and institutes.
(4) PC skills
a) Basic computer literacy required.
(5) Language proficiency
a) Should be fluent in English as a working language.
b) Working level of Japanese ability would be an advantage.

5. Term of employment
In principle a single fiscal year contract, from 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2013. However, contract could be renewed depending on the performance and volume of work at that time. Precise starting date will depend on the individual case.

6. Place of work
Headquarters, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
2108-11 Kamiyamaguchi, Hayama , Kanagawa 240-0115 Japan

7. Work Conditions
- Type of Employment:Fixed-term employment
- Hours of work:9:30-18:00
- Holidays:Saturdays and Sundays, the end and the beginning of the year (29, 30, 31 of December and 2, 3 of January) and national holidays.
- Annual vacation:Annual vacation (paid leave) will be granted in accordance with the Labor Standard Law of Japan
- Salary:Monthly payment
*Salary is determined by IGES regulations, taking into consideration the employee's research career, achievements, occupational history, expertise and experience.
- Allowances:Allowances (overtime, commuting, housing, end-of-term, retirement) will be provided and travel expenses for relocation/return trips will be covered in accordance with the internal rule of IGES.
- Insurance:Insurance (health, employee pension, unemployment and workers' accident compensation) will be partly covered by IGES.

8. Application
- Prepare the application form in English using the format below, and submit it to the following email address together with two of your recent publications/academic papers, etc.
The reference letters of your supervisors in the past three years are to be submitted directly from them to the application email address.

- Application Format:

- Send to:
Secretariat, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
E-mail: recruit-ee@iges.or.jp

- Deadline:30 Mar 2012
Please note that we will begin processing the applications in the order that they arrive, so early submission of your application is highly recommended. As soon as we have decided on the right applicant to hire, we will close the recruiting process.

- We will NOT accept any application that fails to complete the provided form.
- The application documents are not returnable.
- Please do NOT apply through any automatic job application system.

- Process of screening
- After screening of the application materials, only short-listed applicants will be contacted for interviews (face-to-face or by telephone).

9. Inquiries
Attn.: Ms. Oride, Research Support Section, IGES Secretariat
E-mail: recruit-ee@iges.or.jp


[財団法人 地球環境戦略研究機関]今後のイベント



【登録日】 2012.03.21
